1 第一季Sam的应召女郎女友,House里的Cuddy= =
2 总统的秘书蓝丁汉太太,Desperate Housewives里的Mrs Maclosky,老太太很有戏
3 第一季总统女儿Zoe的特情局女保镖,CSI里的Sarah(我的大爱啊)
4 第二季国会的新闻秘书(待查)Ann,Depserate Housewives里的Lynette
5 第二季某集的Morgan,Prison Break里的T-Bag(话说人家年轻时还是蛮帅的,一瘦就觉得尖嘴猴腮像坏人了)
6 第三季女性联盟的主席Amy,Scrubs里的Jordan(待考)
7 第三季怀疑政府隐瞒外星人证据的Bob,Scrubs里那个神经兮兮的医院律师(我忘记叫啥了,sid??)
8 第四季Ep18,托比的同学,给污染作证的家伙,GA里Meredith的老爹。
9 第四季EP20,Friends里的Chandler,饰演Joey
10 第五季EP12,GA里面演Meredith妈妈Ellis Grey的演员,饰演参议员
11 第五季EP14,某个现了一面的家伙,LOST 里的Locke
12 第五季EP17,一开头质疑法官任命制度的女士,是Bones 第五季第21集里的掘坟杀手,有趣的是这个杀手的身…
考据癖如我,边看片子边看剧本边google或wiki整出来的东西,本来只是for my information而已,很不系统,九牛一毛,主要是第二,三季中提到的一些话题或语句。
12. Non-binding Resolution
A non-binding resolution is a written motion adopted by a deliberative body that cannot progress into a law. The substance of the resolution can be anything that can normally be proposed as a motion.
This type of resolution is often used to express the body's approval or disapproval of something which they cannot otherwise vote on,[1] due to the matter being handled by another jurisdiction, or being protected by a constitution. An example would be a resolution of support for a nation's troops in battle, which carries no legal weight, but is adopted for moral support.
Non-binding resolutions are usually specific simple or concurrent resolutions that are not passed on to the …
“白宫风云 第一季”1999年度佳片,关于Mandy这个角色的退出
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